Discover your ability to endure.

App Founder | Running Coach | Writer

The work ethic you have in the gym can be the same work ethic you can have in everything else you do.

No more calorie and step counting; this is mindful movement. The ability to physically endure, translates to your ability to mentally endure. A little about me: in 2016, I became a founding trainer at one of the first audio-guided fitness apps. In 2019, I founded Movement & Miles, a running app which provides training plans, workouts, and my audio-guided runs. In addition to founding my app, I’m a freelance writer, and runner myself. I’ve raced every distance from 5k to ultras. And i’ve experienced every injury from stress fractures to torn MCL’s. My approach to fitness is simple: I give you the tools you need to prevent injury, run efficiently, and master your own body and mind.

Download my app, Movement & miles, for access to all my workouts and training plans

Interested in training for a race? Tired of dealing with overuse injuries like shin splints and knee pain? Or maybe, you just want to press play on a kettlebell, or audio-guided run workout whenever, and wherever you want?

Movement & Miles provides video-guided strength training, audio-guided runs, training plans, and race programs. With a monthly subscription, you’ll have access to all my program and workouts.

Interested in Training 1:1 with me?


  • "Since training with Meghan twice a week, she has strengthened the areas of my back, core and pelvic floor so that it is stable and no longer hurts! I can lift and swing 20 lb kettlebells, do squats and deadlifts, and carry items that I never thought I could. My knees no longer hurt constantly. We have worked on mobility , stability, balance, and strengthening exercises for legs and knees so that I am not putting weight on them the way I used to."

    Jennifer W

  • “No matter your level, your goal, your question ... Meg is there to answer it all or offer a solution. Her wide variety of programs offers something for everyone; from the most experienced endurance athlete to the one just starting to train for a 5K.  She mixes in the importance of strength with mindset and shows how it’s not just about losing weight but bettering yourself.  She uses the idea of mindfulness to encourage you through the toughest of workouts!  As a middle age teacher and mum of two pre-teen boys - she helps me stay ready and strong for anything!”

    Natasha W

  • “I’m in my (early) 50s and I'm most interested in long-term fitness, mobility and peace of mind. When I downloaded Meg's app, I had three goals: 1) Run 2-3x/week and not get injured. 2) Learn to run better, smarter and a little faster 3) Use my running time wisely--ie, avoid self-criticism and work with where I was on each run Because Meg's approach to training is balanced, realistic and, most importantly, interesting, I achieved these goals. I HIGHLY recommend hitting the running road with Meg!”
